2025 State Qualifying Tournaments (SQT's)

Division I Site Dates Contact E-mail Qual. SQT Size
Cowboys Coppell 4/19 Antonio Wiley awiley@coppellisd.com 3 24
Arlington Arlington High 5/10 Jeff Kemp 7on7@earthlink.net 2 16
Coyotes Anna 5/10 Seth Parr seth.parr@annaisd.org 2 16
Dickinson Dickinson 5/16 John Snelson jsnelson@dickinsonisd.org 2 16
CFISD West Cy Falls 5/16 Chris Brister christopher.brister@cfisd.net 2 16
Eagles Allen 5/17 Lee Wiginton lee.wiginton@allenisd.org 3 24
Cavalier Lake Travis 5/17 Hank Carter carterh@ltisdschools.org 2 16
The Woodlands The Woodlands 5/23 Emory Bartolazzi ebartolazzi@conroeisd.net 2 16
Corpus Christi Ray 5/24 Craig Carlton craig.charlton@ccisd.us 2 16
Northwest Northwest 5/24 Bill Poe bpoe@nisdtx.org 3 24
Round Rock Westwood 5/24 Anthony Wood anthony_wood@roundrockisd.org 3 24
Grizzlies Grand Oaks 5/30 Shaun McDowell semcdowell@conroeisd.net 2 16
Laredo Laredo Alexander 5/31 Tony Guerrero tony@xrxinc.com 2 16
Wichita Falls WF Memorial 5/31 Marc Bindel mabindel@wfisd.net 1 8
Colt Classic Arlington High 5/31 Jeff Kemp 7on7@earthlink.net 2 16
El Paso Eastwood  5/31 Julio Lopez jlopez140@yisd.net 2 16
CFISD East Cy Creek 6/6 Deveon McKinney deveon.mckinney@cfisd.net 2 16
Westlake Westlake 6/6 Jason Jones jjones@eanesisd.org 2 16
Panthers Ridge Point 6/6 Rick LaFavers rick.LaFavers@fortbendisd.com 2 16
Marcus Flower Mound 6/6 Mike Alexander alexanderms@lisd.net 3 24
Sharyland Snake Pit Mission Sharyland 6/7 Tony Guerrero tony@xrxinc.com 2 16
Tyler Tyler 6/7 Randy Womble rwomble@gamcosupply.com 2 16
Keller TBD 6/12 Mike Glaze steven.glaze@kellerisd.net 2 16
College Station College Station HS 6/13 Kyle Walsh kwalsh@csisd.org 2 16
Abilene Abilene 6/13 Bill Pearce billpearce8808@gmail.com 2 16
River City Alamo Heights 6/14 Mike Barranco mbarranco@ahisd.net 2 16
Tompkins Katy Tompkins 6/14 Mark Hopkins markahopkins@katyisd.org 2 16
Midlothian Midlothian Heritage 6/14 Eric Edwards eric.edwards@misd.gs 2 16
Generals Aldine MacArthur 6/14 Blake Ware beware@aldineisd.org 2 16
RGV Mid Valley Weslaco 6/21 Tony Guerrero tony@xrxinc.com 2 16
Division II Site Dates Contact E-mail Qual. SQT Size
Longhorns Hamshire-Fannett 5/3 Mark Waggoner mwaggoner@hfhorns.net 1 8
Kilgore Kilgore 5/10 Clint Fuller cfuller@kisd.org 1 8
Hawks Hardin Jefferson 5/10 Zach Bass zachbass@hjisd.net 1 8
La Grange La Grange 5/17 Kyle Cooper kyle.cooper@lgisd.net 2 16
Texans Justin Northwest 5/17 Bill Poe bpoe@nisdtx.org 2 16
Roughnecks Columbia 5/17 Ernest Pena ernest.pena@cbisd.com 1 8
McLennan County Lorena 5/24 Kevin Johnson kevinjohnson@lorenaisd.net 2 16
Brahmas Kingsville 5/24 Ruben Garcia ruben.garcia@kingsvilleisd.com 1 8
Chapel Hill Tyler Chapel Hill 5/24 Jeff Riordan riordanj@chapelhillisd.org 2 16
Mineral Wells Mineral Wells 5/24 Cody Worrell cworrell@mwisd.net 2 16
Bulldogs Burnet 5/31 Ben Speer bspeer@burnetcisd.net 1 8
Indians Jourdanton 5/31 Darrell Andrus dandrus@jisdtx.us 1 8
Mustangs Ingleside 5/31 Travis Chrisman travis.chrisman@inglesideisd.org 1 8
Bulldogs Hitchcock 5/31 Craig Smith csmith@hitchcockisd.org 1 8
Dumas Dumas 5/31 Aaron Dunnam aaron.dunnam@dumasisd.org 1 8
Brownwood Brownwood 5/31 Sammy Burnett samuel.burnett@brownwoodisd.org  2 16
Texans Wimberley 6/6 Doug Warren doug.warren@wimberleyisd.net 1 8
Blue Jays Needville 6/7 Mike Giles gilesm@needvilleisd.com 2 16
Big Country Jim Ned 6/7 Jonathan McClure jimned7on7@gmail.com 2 16
Celina Celina 6/7 Bill Elliott billelliott@celinaisd.com 2 16
Yoeman Cameron 6/14 Aaron Babino ababino@cameronisd.net 2 16
Battle at the Bay Port Isabel 6/20 Juan Torres ju.torres1557@gmail.com 1 8
Division III Site Dates Contact E-mail Qual. SQT Size
Millsap Millsap 5/17 Jake Johnson jjohnson@millsapisd.net 2 8
Lindsay Lindsay 5/24 Casey Jones cjones@lindsayisd.org 2 8
Pirates Poth 5/30 Jeff Luna jluna@pothisd.us 2 8
Wink Wink 5/30 Brian Gibson bgibson@wlisd.net 2 8
Hawley Hawley 5/31 Mitch Ables mables@hawley.esc14.net 2 8
Tigers Tidehaven 6/13 David Lucio dlucio@tidehavenisd.com 2 8
Ricebird Rice Consolidated 5/31 Brad Dumont bdumont@riceraiders.net 2 8
Bulldogs Corrigan-Camden 5/31 Brett Ratliff bratliff@ccisdtx.com 2 8
Eagles Lexington 5/31 B.L. Miller millerb@lexingtonisd.net 2 8
Bronco Nation Sonora 5/31 Col. Pete Bradley gr6gr6@verizon.net 2 8
Abilene Abilene 6/6 Mike Sneed msneed9698@yahoo.com 2 8
Daingerfield Daingerfield 6/7 Davin Nelson dnelson@dlsisd.org 2 8
Ganado Ganado 6/7 Josh Ervin jervin@ganadoisd.net 2 8
Cougars Rosebud-Lott 6/7 Brandon Hicks bhicks@rlisd.org 2 8
Sudan Sudan 6/13 John Cornelius johncornelius@sudanisd.net 2 8
Howard Payne Brownwood 6/13 Brandon Houston coachhuey@gmail.com 2 8


Fill this out after the SQT

Payment amount TBD.

Make check payable to: State 7on7 Organization
Mail to: Shaun McDowell
State 7on7 Organization
33211 Westleton Ct
Fulshear, TX  77441


State Qualifying Tournaments (SQT) Requirements and Procedures

Softshell Helmets must be worn by all participants while on the field.

The manufacture and helmet that meets the qualifications below, can be used, after it has been approved. A list of approved helmets will be posted.


Headgear requirements

Carry a $5 million dollar Product Liability Insurance Policy and name Texas 7on7 State Championships as additionally insured.

Headgear must have a 4 or 5 rating by Virginia Tech Helmet Labs.

Headgear must have a fully functional retention system or chin strap.

Headgear must provide full head coverage.

Headgear must have no hard or metal component parts.

Headgear must be soft shelled and unable to cause harm to others.


Length of play will be 15 minutes halves….. turn around and start next 15 minute half…. with a 10 minute break between games


List of approved headgear to date:

 GameBreaker GB & GameBreaker PRO 


State Qualifying Tournaments (SQT's) are held throughout the state.  

These tournaments are hosted by individuals selected by the Organization's SQT Directors.  

Each SQT follows similar procedures as outlined by the Board of Directors.

Teams that qualify at an SQT are eligible for the State 7on7 Tournament.

* Note:  SQT’s range in size from 8 team tournaments to 32 team tournaments.
 8 team SQT = 1 qualifier     |     16 team SQT = 2 qualifiers
24 team SQT = 3 qualifiers     |     32 team SQT = 4 qualifiers  

** Specified Division III SQT's may qualify 2 teams **


Tournament Fees

Maximum roster size is 20 players.

A Deposit of $180 must be sent to the SQT host school when registering for an SQT Tournament. (This is a non-refundable deposit). Remainder of fee paid at on-site registration.


The Texas 7-on-7 State Tournament is divided into 3 divisions

Division I consists of teams that compete in 5A or 6A (public) & SPC or TAPPS Division I (private).

Division II consists of teams that compete 4A and 3A D1 (public) & all other privates.

Division III consists of teams that compete in 3A D2 and below (no private schools will compete in this division).